P.A.S.S. SMART Goals
Mustang P.A.S.S. SMART Goals 2023-2024
School: Mustang Education Center PASS program
Site Goal #1 Title: Senior Graduation Percentage
Site Goal #2 Title: Underclassmen On-track Percentage
Goal Statement #1: By the end of the academic year, 90% of accepted Senior PASS students will graduate on time with their graduation cohort.
Goal Statement #2: By the end of the academic year, 80% of accepted PASS students in grades 9-11 will be on track to graduate with their graduation cohort based on credits achieved.
Strategies and Action Steps |
Resources Needed |
Monitoring Tool |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Barriers to Consider |
Application and Interview of credit deficient students |
Referrals from sending school: Mustang High School |
School data sheet with disposition of each applicant |
Acceptance of students meeting PASS criteria |
Understanding of the referral process by the counseling team at the High School
Daily Monitoring of student progress by the Alt Ed Team |
Access to and knowledge of operation of the learning Platform: Edgenuity |
The learning platform has built in monitoring tools |
Learning Platform Reports will show that students are progressing based on program standards |
Academic integrity issues; student motivation to work on the platform.
Weekly Progress reports |
Access to and knowledge of operation of the learning Platform: Edgenuity |
Weekly emails logged as progress sent to all parents |
Parents can attest that they are seeing weekly emails from their student’s teachers |
Parents checking emails on a regular basis
Quarterly recognition |
Funding to create or purchase recognition items for students meeting or exceeding progress goals |
Attendance Reports Course completion reports Course grades Participation in required blending electives and SAS |
Students can attest that the quarterly recognition of their efforts is motivation for progress in the program |
Why 80%?
Mattos - Tier I: Effective if at least 80% of the students are meeting benchmarks with access to instruction.
A solid MTSS / RTI Tier 1 should be sufficient to help 80% of students meet or exceed grade level expectations as measured by a standardized summative assessment. If Tier 1 instruction is not successful in meeting the needs of 80% of the school’s population, the school team should consider possible solutions to create a better match between students’ needs and the core curriculum and instruction (e.g., improving explicit instruction, differentiation strategies, use of flexible grouping, and maximizing active student engagement).
Book - Simplifying Response to Intervention by Buffum, Matt’s, and Weber…pg, 61
“Approximately 80% of students receiving a well instructed, research based curriculum should experience success as a result of initial core instruction in the classroom. If a strong core instructional program can account for up to 80% of students experiencing success, Schools should place a majority of their efforts on strengthening their core instructional programs.
R. DuFour - Creating SMART Goals video on SMART goals - talks about setting short goals and then set a new goal