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P.A.S.S. SMART Goals

Mustang P.A.S.S. SMART Goals 2023-2024

School: Mustang Education Center PASS program

Site Goal #1 Title: Senior Graduation Percentage 

Site Goal #2 Title: Underclassmen On-track Percentage

Goal Statement #1: By the end of the academic year, 90% of accepted Senior PASS students will graduate on time with their graduation cohort. 

Goal Statement #2: By the end of the academic year, 80% of accepted PASS students in grades 9-11 will be on track to graduate with their graduation cohort based on credits achieved. 

Strategies and Action Steps

Resources Needed

Monitoring Tool

Evidence of Effectiveness

Barriers to Consider 

Application and Interview of credit deficient students

Referrals from sending school: Mustang High School

School data sheet with disposition of each applicant

Acceptance of students meeting PASS criteria


Understanding of the referral process by the counseling team at the High School


Daily Monitoring of student progress by the Alt Ed Team

Access to and knowledge of operation of the learning Platform: Edgenuity

The learning platform has built in monitoring tools

Learning Platform Reports will show that students are progressing based on program standards 

Academic integrity issues; student motivation to work on the platform.



Weekly Progress reports

Access to and knowledge of operation of the learning Platform: Edgenuity

Weekly emails logged as progress sent to all parents 

Parents can attest that they are seeing weekly emails from their student’s teachers

Parents checking emails on a regular basis



Quarterly recognition 

Funding to create or purchase recognition items for students meeting or exceeding progress goals 

Attendance Reports Course completion reports

Course grades

Participation in required blending electives and SAS

Students can attest that the quarterly recognition of their efforts is motivation for progress in the program









Why 80%?

A solid MTSS / RTI Tier 1 should be sufficient to help 80% of students meet or exceed grade level expectations as measured by a standardized summative assessment. If Tier 1 instruction is not successful in meeting the needs of 80% of the school’s population, the school team should consider possible solutions to create a better match between students’ needs and the core curriculum and instruction (e.g., improving explicit instruction, differentiation strategies, use of flexible grouping, and maximizing active student engagement).

  • Book - Simplifying Response to Intervention by Buffum, Matt’s, and Weber…pg, 61

    • “Approximately 80% of students receiving a well instructed, research based curriculum should experience success as a result of initial core instruction in the classroom.  If a strong core instructional program can account for up to 80% of students experiencing success, Schools should place a majority of their efforts on strengthening their core instructional programs. 

  • R. DuFour - Creating SMART Goals video on SMART goals - talks about setting short goals and then set a new goal